How to Play Drinking Games During Elections, EU Parliament Edition

Elections can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but they also present a unique opportunity to have some fun with friends while staying engaged with the political process. The recent EU Parliament Election was a great example of how to turn a serious event into an enjoyable social gathering with the right drinking games. Here’s a guide on how to host an election night party with some themed drinking games.

Election Night Bingo 🗳️

Election Night Bingo is a classic way to keep everyone engaged with the live results and commentary. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Preparation: Create bingo cards with various election-related terms and phrases (e.g., “landslide victory,” “too close to call,” “swing state”).
  2. Gameplay: As you watch the election coverage, mark off the phrases on your bingo card.
  3. Rules:
    • When you get five in a row, shout “Bingo!” and everyone else takes a drink.
    • If someone says a keyword or phrase that’s on your card, you take a drink.

Debate Drinking Game 🎤

Debates are full of predictable moments and repeated phrases. Here’s a fun way to turn them into a drinking game:

  1. Setup: List out common debate phrases or actions (e.g., “my fellow citizens,” “let me be clear,” a candidate interrupts another).
  2. Gameplay: Watch the debate and drink according to the rules.
  3. Rules:
    • Take a sip every time a candidate says a listed phrase.
    • Take a shot if a candidate makes a major gaffe or unexpected statement.

Policy Points 🍺

This game focuses on the different policy points discussed during election coverage:

  1. Preparation: Write down key policy points likely to be mentioned (e.g., healthcare, immigration, climate change).
  2. Gameplay: Watch the election night coverage.
  3. Rules:
    • Every time a policy point is mentioned, take a drink.
    • Finish your drink if a new policy is introduced that wasn’t on the list.

Election Results Roulette 🎲

For a more unpredictable and engaging game, try Election Results Roulette:

  1. Setup: Write down predictions for various outcomes (e.g., which party will win specific regions, voter turnout percentages).
  2. Gameplay: Follow the election results as they come in.
  3. Rules:
    • Take a drink for every incorrect prediction.
    • If someone correctly predicts an upset or unexpected result, everyone else drinks.

Leader Shots 🍸

Focus on the leaders and their statements throughout the night with this game:

  1. Preparation: List the party leaders and common phrases or promises they make.
  2. Gameplay: Watch their speeches and media appearances.
  3. Rules:
    • Take a sip every time a leader makes a predictable statement.
    • Take a shot if a leader concedes or claims victory.

Election Night Predictions 📊

Make predictions about the night’s outcomes and drink based on the results:

  1. Setup: Before the results start coming in, have everyone write down their predictions for key races and overall results.
  2. Gameplay: Watch the results as they come in.
  3. Rules:
    • Take a drink for every wrong prediction.
    • If someone’s prediction is spot on, they get to assign drinks to the group.

By turning election night into a series of fun drinking games, you can make the evening more enjoyable while staying engaged with the political process. Remember to drink responsibly and encourage your guests to do the same. For more game ideas and official rules, visit Drinking Dojo. Cheers! 🍻

Written on June 10, 2024